24 February, 2007


Just a lot of gibberish that is going through my head:

1) Yeah, when I'm working at the museum, I want to touch the art work too, but I don't, and you shouldn't either. Please.

2) To the guy from work who told me I am antisocial because I picked the lox out of the cream cheese: I wasn't being antisocial. I calculated in my head the number of people at work who would be apt to eat lox, and I calculated the amount of cream cheese with lox (two containers) and I assumed that the people who I expected to eat the cream cheese with lox wouldn't mind if I picked out some of the lox to eat without the cheese. I was very calculating, but obviously, I calculated wrong, because you were quite adament that I was the scum of the earth for doing this. But, I found one of the men who I am positive eat the cream cheese with lox and told him what I had done and he was behind me on this. He didn't mind that I picked the lox out of the cream cheese. In fact, he told me that next time, I should just take one of the tubs of cream cheese with lox for myself.

3) Do I have what it takes to make an argyle sweater work? I don't want to look nerdy. I want to look smartsy (smart and artsy). I can pull this look off sometimes, but I'm not sure if I'll be going too far with an argyle sweater.

4) I'm really looking forward to Passover, but for all the wrong reasons. Yeah, there's religion, food, culture, tradition on Passover, which I love, but there is something else about Passover that I adore. It's Israeli Nestle's Quik. Sounds weird, eh? Stores that sell Jewish food around here only sell Israeli Nestle's Quik on Passover, and it's the only time during the year that I can revel in Nestle's Quik, unlike the millions of people who drink it all year around. You see, American Nestle's Quik has powdered milk in it, which I am unable to drink due to my annoying milk allergy. But, Israeli Nestle's Quik contains no milk products and I am able to partake in it. I can mix it with water, and drink it either hot or cold. No, Quik mixed with water isn't gross if you're desperate enough, trust me. So, Passover is almost upon us and soon, I will be stocking up on Israeli Nestle's Quik. I try to ration enough for the entire year, but sadly, I generally am finished with all of the tubs of Israeli Nestle's Quik that I purchase by May.


Susan said...


Remember you're going to get a couple boxes of the Quik and bring it to Ann Arbor for me to keep for you so you'll have some after May.



Agatestone said...

Oh, I forgot we were going to do this. BTW, can I pull off an argyle sweater?


Susan said...

About the Argyle sweater, yes, I think that you could pull off, or pull on ;) an argyle sweater.