15 May, 2007


So, Sunday, I was on the go from 8:30 in the morning until evening. I had a gazillion errands and then I needed to attend a Mother’s Day mid-afternoon meal with my family. In the midst of my travels, I stopped at Starbucks for a icy cold drink to soothe my soul after the miles upon miles I had driven already.

I continued onward to my next stop, heartily enjoying the the refreshing treat...that is, until I reached the end of the beverage. You see, even though I had sipped the last drop, I still wanted more, and would even settle for the melted remnants of the drink. Sadly, however, the ice left over in the cup had frozen into a hard chunk. My straw was trapped, crushed and no more beverage was available.

So, while driving, I attempted to break up the ice and free my straw by squeezing the cup. This was not a good idea. I squeezed quite hard, causing the ice to break up, as I wanted it to. But, unfortunately, I squeezed so hard that the ice didn’t just break up. It exploded up. And up.

My powerful squeezing caused the cup lid to fly off. Now free from any barrier, the ice kept flying upward until it came in contact with my person. Then, it began a slow plummet. Down my shirt. I ended up driving down the road with a cup of chocolately ice down my shirt, melting. The moral of the story is for one not to be greedy when one reaches the natural end of one's beverage.

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