11 May, 2007


I don't like capri pants on me. I think they look lovely on other folks. But not on me. I look stubby. I threw my faded black pair of capri pants away recently. I hated them as they made me look stubby, but I wore them anyway. I found another pair on sale and I am currently wearing them. And, I look stubby. I am wearing high heels to no avail. I look stubby.

I am just not a person who can wear short pants. My pant legs have to go past my ankles. There is nothing I can do about it. It's the only way that I don't feel stubby.

Although, tomorrow, when I am galavanting around town in the hot weather, I could potentially be wearing these capri pants again. But it would only be to combat the hot weather. I would still think I look stubby in them. Is there a way not to look stubby in short pants? What is the secret. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

I wear capri pants year round. Is that a fashion faux pas? I guess if Stacy and Clinton show up at my work place, I'll have the ultimate answer. Sweaters and capris, hmmm...


Anonymous said...

acf, you look cute in capris. I however look stubby. where do you buy your capris?

Willow said...

Hi, Agatestone,

At least no one has told you that you look like Frodo from Lord of the Rings.

That pretty much put me off capri pants FOREVER.

Willow said...

Okay, for some reason I hit the wrong button on my computer and I can not either change my previous comment or delete it. Ugh.

Anyway, I was about to say that although I really loved Frodo in LOTR, I don't really want to look like him:

I much prefer the comparisons that I have gotten to Jodie Foster and Winona Ryder (minus the police record, of course).

And if you are male, and think I look like, say, Reese Witherspoon or Kirsten Dunst (not sure of the spelling here, forgive me!), I might consider marrying you. Heh.


Agatestone said...

For me, it's Meg Ryan. If guy told me I looked like her, before she got the silicone injections in her lips, I would totally marry him. Especially the cute guy I saw in the parking garage this morning! However, seeing as I am not a tall blonde woman, I don't think there is any chance I will ever look like Meg Ryan.

I have had the comparison to Winona Ryder, however. Especially when I bob my hair.

And Willow, yes, I was told I was so short that I looked like a Hobbit, from a printer who does work for us.