31 May, 2007

Affirmation or why I haven't bought a digital camera yet:

"Nikon FM3A (my camera) hard to find; Nikon came out with this all-metal manual focus body in 2001. It is a beautifully balanced camera and, with a 50/1.4 lens, will take much better pictures than what 99 percent of digital camera owners capture with their cheap kit zoom lenses."

Only thing is, I don't have the 50mm lens. I have the 45mm lens. I wonder if the reviewer feels the same way. I hope so. It's a spectacular lens.

See, I want a new camera. But, what I want and what I need are two different stories. Do I really need a professional digital camera? Probably not. Maybe some day I will buy one.


Anonymous said...

You are such a wonderful photographer... of course you need a professional digital camera! Think of all the things you could do with your pics outside of the darkroom on your computer. Go 4 it. I think you will enjoy your purchase for years!


Anonymous said...

Thanks ACF for the complement! Maybe this year will be the year I purchase one.