31 March, 2007

A horse named Dr. Pebbles.

So, the radio waves from a Canadian bell bottom-jeaned rock station wafted across the river and into my car's receiver one crisp, yet sunny early spring day. At first, I didn't listen closely to the song now playing. But, then, I began to ruminate on the poetic lyrics emerging from the speakers.

So, you went through the desert on a horse with no name. Ok, I can see that. If you and let's say, a rent-a-horse were striding through the desert for maybe a couple of hours or so, I wouldn't think it would be prudent to name the horse.

You go on to say that after nine days, you let this nameless horse run free. First of all, I don't know how wise it was to let the horse run free, seeing as since you didn't know its name, you probably borrowed or rented it from someone. It wasn't yours to let run free and was quite irresponsible of you.

Furthermore, you were riding this nameless horse for nine days? Nine days? As I previously stated, if you only rode him for a couple of hours, I didn't think it was your responsibility to name him. But, really, after a couple of days, you couldn't get off your ass and think of a name for the horse. I'm sorry but that's seriously lazy.

Lastly, you described your desert sojurn as feeling good to be out of the rain. You had to go to a freaking desert to get out of the rain? You couldn't just buy a raincoat, galoshes and an umbrella? You had to drag this poor, nameless horse out in the hot desert for nine G-dawful days because you needed to be out of the rain. Ever hear of going inside? Even if you didn't have a permanent place to live, something tells me that your pot dealer would've probably let you crash in his VW bus until the rain stopped.

Thanks for listening. It felt good to get that off my chest.


Susan said...

You do realize that the band who play this song is called America, don't you?

Anonymous said...
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Agatestone said...

Breakfast Czar, what is the significance of the band's name? How does it matter? Please explain. I guess my complaint about the is that they took this poor, unnamed horse out in the desert for 9 days. Did they have enough water for him? What were they doing in the desert for so long? There is obviously more to the story.

Susan said...

My point, was that you were listening to a band called America on a Canadian radio station... that's all.

Anonymous said...

Oh. I just didn't see the irony in that. Now I do.

No, actually, I don't see any irony in this. I don't get it. I'm too caught up in the fact that some lazy ass drove his horse in the blinding hot desert for 9 days, probably with not enough water, and didn't even name him!