17 January, 2007

wolves or barns

So, The Breakfast Czar would be the first to tell you that I am a tad fussy. But, I think even you non-fussy folks would have issue with the poor decorum displayed by a coworker tonight. Ok, so I said that I would work on my night off. I regrettably changed my plans for coffee with a friend so that I would be available to work on this 63-page project.

As I am an editor, the process is that the writer, or one of their representatives, will hand me the booklet, catalog, or whatever it is they want me to read and edit. But, where does it say in the editor's handbook that when we sit down to discuss the details, before I have begun to edit the piece, that I should be subjected to the writer sticking her fingers in her mouth to get traction to turn pages to show me what she wanted to talk about. Now, the corners of the piece are drenched in her spit. And I'm the one that has to look at the piece. I didn't sign up for this gig to have to touch pages with her saliva on them. Either she was raised in a barn or raised by wolves or both. I don't know and I don't care.


Willow said...

Actually, that slavering over your fingers and turning pages thing is one of my pet peeves. But don't insult the wolves; they are very clean animals.

BTW, I found a typo in your post.

:) Willow, not a bit fussy

Agatestone said...

What!?! A mistake!?! I'm a professional editor. I don't make editorial mistakes!

OK, Willow, what did I get wrong?

Willow said...

"I regrettably changed my plans for coffee with a friend so that I would be available to work on this 63-page probject."

Hey, it happens to the best of us. I once had a prof who misspelled the word "public" on the final draft of her dissertation. I'll let you guess which word ended up there instead. ;)


Agatestone said...

ok Miss Smartypants. It's fixed!