06 February, 2008


Coming back from an exciting night of yoga crime fighting (more about our adventures later), I noticed a sign on a local shop advertising "Elf Oil." What the heck is Elf Oil? If I was friends with or knew an Elf, I would think it would be rude to apply oil to them. And G_d forbid, I sure hope this isn't oil made from Elves! That would be horrible.

Any ideas?


Susan said...

The only thing I can think is that "Elf Oil" is oil made by elves for a variety of uses.

The most obvious use of course was by Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies.

Not only did it keep his hair sleek and shiny, this multipurpose oil allowed his skateboard to move smoothly down a set of stone stairs :)

Anonymous said...

They had skateboards in the LOTR? Seriously?

Willow said...

Okay, my evil mind has taken over...I thought "Elf Oil" applied (ahem) more accurately to Aragorn and Arwen.



they had invisible skateboards in LOTR