17 February, 2008

Agatestone's psyche.

Perhaps I showed way too much of my psyche today. For instance, the Yoga Team Aquaforce now knows that I hate the smell of Oreos and popcorn. They also know that I am anti eating and driving. Furthermore, and hopefully you will back me up on on the non-weirdness of this, CW, they know that I can and have actually planned an entire evening (movie, satisfying beverage, etc.) around a good piece of chocolate. And lastly, they know, and this is something I don't think I ever told you, dear Breakfast Czar, but crazy Mrs. Sutherland down the street fed us all Bonz dog biscuits one day. It was during the summer of the broken elbow, which, I forgot to tell you, Winter, is the reason I can crazy bend my elbow backwards.

Ok, no more exposing my psyche! I'm going to be a closed book from now on (yeah, that promise will last for about 12 hours!). Instead, I'll start telling funny stories of things my sister did!

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