09 November, 2007

...And I'm a little bit rock and roll.

Dear Reader,

I need to share with you my latest dream before it flits away into the ether.

Our scene begins on a beach. A giant green turtle is ambling along, ignoring the beachgoers who are splashing and tanning around him. I get closer to the turtle and I realize it is my friend Donny Osmond, dressed in a turtle suit. Donny sees me, squeezes out of his shell, takes off a kind of green leotard that covers his entire body, including his head and his feet, and explains to me that he wants to live his life out as a turtle. He turns and begins to trudge down the beach, hauling his turtle suit, planning to a find a new spot where he can live life anonymously as a turtle.

The end.


Why Donny Osmond?
Why a turtle?

Obviously, Donny has been in the press lately. But not turtles. This is quite confounding.


Amy said...

I'm guessing b/c you heard a Donnie and Marie song last week! :)

Agatestone said...

True. And he has been on TV with Marie at that Dancing thing and then sadly, his dad just died. So yes, my life has been full of Donny Osmond these days. But, my life has not been full of turtles.

Willow said...

Okay, here's a little information to roll around in your unconscious...

I have a book called "Animal Speaks: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small, written by Ted Andrews. The book basically describes the spiritual meanings that different cultures have attached to animals, and also offers insight into an animal's meaning for you if it shows up in your life. Here is what Mr. Andrews said about Turtle:

"If turtle has shown up in your life, it is time to get connected to your most primal essence. Go within your shell and come out when your ideas are ready to be expressed. It is time to recognize that there is an abundance out there for you. It doesn't have to be gotten quickly and immediately. Take your time and let the natural flow work for you. Too much, too soon, can upset the balance. Turtle reminds us that all we need for all that we do is available to us, if we approach it in the right manner and time" (p. 366).

I was surprised that Ted Andrews didn't mention a Native American meaning for the Turtle: North, South and Central America were known collectively to certain Native American tribes as "Turtle Island." I have heard this from several different sources. So Turtle in some ways can be symbolic of the land that we walk on.

On another note, sometimes I have weird dreams like the one that you described if I go to sleep after eating a spicy meal.

Agatestone said...

Thanks Willow,

You've given me a lot of information. I have been eating hot and sour soup all week. I made a huge pot and have been living on it. It's yummy, but perhaps that is what caused my weird dream.

Anonymous said...

you dreamt of Kurma the turtle, because Dave was demonstrating Dandasana and had his head out of his shell and then pulled it back in for alignment :-)

The turtle is also the symbol of perseverance.....