08 January, 2008


My list:

1) Apparently I am not a copy editor but am a "word massager."

2) I had a very good Christmas dinner of latkes. Only in my family does one eat latkes for Christmas dinner.

3) I am again living the life of a starving advertising professional. Please send food. Preferable not hummous, baba ganoush or bread, as those are all I seem to eat when I'm going through a busy time at work.

4) 60 degrees F in January. Crazy, eh?

5) Have I mentioned that I am really busy at work?

6) I had without a doubt the roundest matzoh balls I have ever seen, last night for dinner. How the heck did she get them that round? Magic, perhaps.

7) I just used my new Green Teapot (thanks ACF) and loved it. It's really pretty and holds quite a bit of water.

8) Chicken jerky? Does my coworker really have a bag of chicken jerkey on her desk? I've never heard of such a thing. I'm wondering if it is for her dog and not for her.

My list is complete. I have nothing more to say. My mind is a blank slate.


Anonymous said...

we bought max some chicken jerky treats at costco. he was waiting in the car so i opened the bag at the register to get one out for him. my mom's reaction -- those are max's! don't eat that! hm.... i thought that would have been implied...... :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. There are so many places I could go with this information, but I think I will just keep my comments to myself.