14 January, 2008


As I prepare for slumber, I hope that my dreams tonight are not as odd as last night. I was visiting Japan in my dream last night. Except for the fact that there were absolutely no Japanese people in my dream. I was visiting the ACF/CW (they kept morphing into one and then another) who was/were living in Japan. The gist of the dream was that I was dying to see the Famous Sideways Fountains of Tokyo. Yes, they were ingenious fountains. The water sprayed and retracted sideways, never a drop reaching the ground. But, I kept losing my driver's license, wallet, etc, so we had to keep pushing back our departure to the Famous Sideways Fountains of Tokyo. AFC/CW were getting aggravated with me. The dream itself then morphed into a familar dream of mine: purchasing sausages, cheeses, pate, and other finefood delicacies at some foofoo market. I think I also visited Tiger Stadium in my dream and well as, I believe, a countryside pie shop! Lastly, I believe I visited a natural history museum and a classic, old hotel.

My friends/relatives seem to pop in and out of these dreams. I know one night I was in a sled shop, buying a sled of course, and who should show up but the ACF and her entire family! They also came with me to Ann Arbor one night to purchase hot chocolate and menorahs. CW, I think you and I visit natural history museums in my sleep as well. I don't know who was with me the night I visited that famous musical conservatory to hear a student concert, but none of the students had any instruments. The conservatory was a scam.

I'm not sure who was with me the night the Martians were coming down to suck our brains out. All I know is that I had to hurry up and buy cleaning supplies. I didn't want to leave a dirty house for the Martians.


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