25 October, 2007



We haven't chatted in a while. I have nothing to say in paragraph form, but I do have a list of items to offer.

Thinks I like:

Wintergreen Altoids
....I can't think of anything else that I like (currently). This post is turning into a failure.
Oh, brownies! I love brownies.
Decaf chai tea with coconut
Blueberry tea

Things I don't like:
The realization that my car's windshield is full of ice and my brand-new ice scraper is still at work, the place where I was given it.
My alarm clock

Things to ponder:
The dream I had last night where I was in a running race. I was doing great, even though I was wearing jeans and my Dr. Martens boots. I wasn't winning, but I was holding my own. What a weird dream. These are really clunky boots that I wear when trodding through the trees on a photography adventure. I don't think it's even possible to run in them. They are my favorite boots, however. That must be why I dreamt about them.

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