06 October, 2007

confessions of an invalid

Actually, I'm not an invalid, but I can't get rid of this cold. I think it has something to do with the fact that I have three people (two within 7-10 feet and one within 20 feet), who are coughing in my direction, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I had a cold last weekend, during the week I felt find, and now I have a fever, cough and general yuckiness. I had to cancel out on an excursion to the wilds of Detroit with cousins today and I will probably have to cancel out on a brunch with other cousins tomorrow.

So, what is there to talk about? Really, not a whole heck of a lot.

1) I am enamoured by a BBC quiz show that one can see on youtube.com, called QI. It is hosted by Stephen Fry, who I've been a fan of since Peter's Friends, one of my favourite movies. Check it out. Just search "Stephen Fry and QI."

2) I am sad about being sick.

3) When I do have a cold where I still feel like being mobile, I run over to the vegetarian Indian restaurant on the west side that serves a delightful, very hot (spicy hot) tomato soup called Rasam. It always clears out what ails me, and it is quite tasty. Well, last night, I was not in the mood to drive to the west side, so I visited our local Indian restaurant for Rasam. It was certainly not delightful and practically inedible. The soup was sour or bitter tasting. Or maybe my tastebuds are goofy. But, I took two spoonfuls, and put the rest in the fridge. I'll try some more today.

4) Even though now is the perfect time for me to finish this book I am reading, I just don't have enough eager or willing brain cells to want to read.

5) I realize that this is a negative post with no payoff in sarcastic humour. My humble apologies.

6) I believe that Willow has mentioned this before, but I am addicted to blogs that have opinions that are the exact opposite of mine. I don't know why I bother, but I can't help myself. It's a terrible habit. I know I'll get angry or offended after reading these blogs, but I can't get enough.

7) I think I'll have to continue later on. I really have nothing else to say. No thoughts or issues swirling around in my head, eager to get out. No real complaints (besides the cold and the icky Rasam). No praise for any foodstuffs as I am wont to do. Just blah. I guess, if you have anything funny to say or read, please e-mail or call me. Because feeling blah is very blah feeling.


Willow said...

Agatestone, I am sorry about your cold. I can't stand it when people come into the workplace and "share" what they have picked up.

If you want some cheering up, check out the "I Can Has Cheezburger" link on my blog. It's been my remedy for illness, depression, idiot boyfriends, etc.

Or you can try the remedy that another of my friends swears by: green tea with single malt scotch added. I don't necessarily believe in the healing properties of green tea, but if you add single malt scotch, your symptoms probably won't seem so terrible. Just don't try to drive or operate heavy machinery. Heh.

Get well soon, Willow

Agatestone said...

Willow, there's a similar remedy that involves tea with whisky ( I know Scotch is Whisky, but what would I call regular Whisky? Rye, perhaps? I don't think the tea has any medicinal value either. It's just that the whisky makes you feel so much better. I actually do have some Crown Royal, but I'm not in the mood.

I will check out the site you recommended.

Thanks for kind words,
