12 April, 2008

Some of this may be true...sorta.


I know this will come as a shock to you dear reader, but I've decided to forego my plans of becoming a yoga teacher. Yes, I know I only have one class left. But, after much soul searching, it's time I decided to follow my heart. And my heart dear reader, does not sing the joyfull tune of yoga, but the melodic melody of mime. French street mime to be exact. My classes start next week. It's a 14-week course, and for the final exam, I must travel to an urban area and mime on a street corner. I will only pass the course if I garner at least $100 in donations. Any less, and I will become a mime-school flunky. I know, I know dear reader, you may think me odd. But, I can't help what I feel. Mime is my heart. Mime is my soul. I just never realized it until now. In fact, I was thrown out of sushi restaurant tonight. All for my craft. Yes, I was vigorously miming, but, of course, as it was miming, I was very quiet and surely not distracting anyone. Nevertheless, the head sushi chef himself came out from behind his sushi enclave and asked me to leave. It was mimism, pure mimism, dear reader. Well, I left. But I left a stronger person, dear reader. No one, not even you can dissuade me from my dream.



(Obviously, the miming isn't true. The getting kicked out of the sushi place is kinda sorta true)

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