14 March, 2008

nautical disaster

Life is such a disaster right now that I had to take desperate measures: I'm sitting on the floor, listening to a Bollywood remix and eating ice cream.


Willow said...

Agatestone, I am sorry to hear your life is a disaster. I hope things look up for you. Give me a call if you feel like it. I'll be at my parents' place on Sunday, but outside of getting an allergy shot, I should be home most of the day Saturday--especially since The Mitten has decided that one last big snowstorm would make a good Easter.

On a lighter note, did you know that Horizon makes organic ice cream??

Willow, weathering her own disasters with ice cream...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Willow. I think I may have one more week of severe nautical disasters and Allah willing, the sea will begin to calm. I saw the Breakfast Tsar yesterday. That helped.

Organic ice cream sounds wonderful!

Susan said...

You know my solutions to severe disaster:

Haagan Daz ice cream - either chocolate - chocolate chip or mayan chocolate.


Lindt 70% cocoa chocolate bars.

