15 August, 2007

I should have worn my lucky necklace.

Before I left for work this morning, it crossed my mind to wear my lucky necklace, the one I used to wear when I had to take a test in school, and the one I try to remember to wear when I have to drive long distances on the freeway. The thought to wear my lucky necklace wasn't strong enough and I decided against it. Here's what happened because of my inability to listen to my intuition:

1) I was denied coffee at a coffee shop and forced to drink espresso instead. They said that's the way they make their Cafe Americano drinks and they wouldn't budge, even though I told them I'd rather have coffee. How hard would have it been to put coffee in my cup instead of espresso? Why did I want coffee instead of espresso, you may ask. Well, dear reader, the espresso's bitterness forces me to add sugar to my drink, while I drink coffee without sugar. I was trying to be healthy by avoiding the sugar in my drink, to no avail.

2) I did the stupidest of stupid things. I can't say what I did yet, because we've yet to figure out if I'm upset or not. Three of you already know what I did including one of you who was witness to my stupidity (you now need a nickname Aimee.) Let's just say that no one was was injured and although it's 1:24 in the am, I just employed some duct tape to correct the problem until I consult with a professional.

See, what should be understood is that as a whole, today was great. I had lunch with a friend. Went to a concert with another friend. Bumped into the Breakfast Czar and was able to hang with her this evening. All in all, balancing everything out, more things went right today than wrong.

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