08 April, 2007

Paschal lamb.

Somebody needs to explain to me Easter iconography. I decided to decorate Easter eggs today. It was on a whim. I figured my mother would enjoy doing an Easter craft, as the family Agatestone wasn’t doing anything else to commemorate the holiday. So, I went through the page of stickers with which we could decorate the eggs. I understand the spring picture-endowed stickers, such as a little lamb, a butterfly and two smiling daisies. What I don’t understand is the sticker depicting a turtle bedecked a red hat and licking a tulip. A mouse wearing red polka dotted bandana, being carried aloft by three balloons. A smiling snail wearing a red and blue hat, and lastly, a bird shod in black and white saddle shoes and also adorned with a hat, this time red. What does a mouse, snail and a turtle signify in the Christian tradition? And why are all the animals wearing various colored hats? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Hello Agatestone, Greeting from your old friend out west. (You can call me Violet Diva. Since everyone seems to have an alias here I want one too.)

I have been catching up on your blogs the past few days,(and thoroughly enjoying them) and thought maybe I could shed some light on this one.

The mouse, snail and turtle are friends of the Easter bunny, whom they went to the Meadow Prep Academy with back in the day, and they are waiting for him to finish his egg hiding duties so they can go to TGI Fridays for happy hour daiquiris.

They are wearing the hats because they read in Vogue's field and stream issue that hats are back in this season. :-)

Agatestone said...

Oh, of course, hats, daiquiris, Vogue magazine...it all makes sense now!

Welcome Violet Diva. Cool moniker. Yes, everyone here has an alias, even the Breakfast Czar, who keeps trying to use her own name. I told her that aliases are more fun!

Anonymous said...

And here I thought people at Paas were "inspired" by peyote, and thus came up with the mouse, snail and turtle. Silly me! The Violet Diva's explanation makes much more sense.

By the way, I am trying to come up with a cute alias, but I'm just not feeling it. The best I can come up with is "she who procrastinates", but I'm not completely satisfied with it.

Agatestone said...

Edna, you have to think of a fun alias and join the party. If I think of something, I'll let you know.