22 April, 2007

Muskrat love.

Dear reader, I want to speak to a specific subset of the population, so if you are not part of that population, feel free to skip this blog entry. I want to speak to any of you who may be rodents. Especially those of you who live in the fields or forests abutting a high-speed highway.

I had a delightful ice cream outing afternoon with the Chocolate Whisperer and the Breakfast Czar. We chatted and ate ice cream, enjoying the early summer weather.

On my way back from our outing, as I drove my normal way home. I viewed some horrific sights. Mile after mile I saw rodent after rodent lying still on the side of the road. This has got to stop. Dear reader, if you are a raccoon, opossum, squirrel or even a capybera , you must learn how to safely cross the road. Or, better yet, instead of crossing the road, stay where you are.

Is this a status thing? Do you feel that your dam, sand hill or acorn-filled nest is inadequate? Have you by any chance talked to a flying squirrel who soared in with wild stories of gold-lined nests, servants delivering mixed nuts on silver platters and dams made from the finest teak? Remember, flying squirrels have a propensity for gossip. Rest assured, the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the freeway. Trust me on this. And stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Your maple and elm twig dam is fine, mighty fine. Your acorn stash is remarkable. And that sand mound, well, I’ve never seen a sand mound so sandy…or moundy. Good job.

So please, please, stay home and stop crossing the highway. But, if you really have a need to cross the highway, be careful and look both ways or better yet, take a traffic safety class from your local police department.


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! As we discussed at dinner, I find it bizarre that some people search for and eat road kill. Ugh.
BTW, I made a comment... I'm free of my fear at last! :-)

The Amnesiac Concert Flautist

Agatestone said...

Yay, ACF! I just don't understand why anyone would eat road kill. But, if they drive down M-14 they could have themselves a great buffet!