26 September, 2007

Dear Reader...

If you happen to find yourself in Tel Aviv, Jeruselem, or really anywhere in Israel, I would be eternally grateful if you were to run into a grocery store and pick up some, yes, Israeli Nesquik. It's a sad day in Agatestoneland, as I have finished my last canister of Israeli Nesquik. And I need more. No, I don't need more, I NEED more. Desperately. Longingly. Excrutiatingly. Israeli Nesquik is like crack to me.

Remember the Starsky and Hutch episode where the bad guys got Hutch addicted to Heroin and Starsky had to get him clean. Hutch was all sweaty and shaky and moaning, and Starsky kept feeding him candy bars, as they hid out in the local friendly pimp's hotel. Well, that's how I feel. Except, well, I am not sweaty or shaky, I'm not moaning, I haven't eaten any candy bars, and I'm not hiding out in the local friendly pimp's hotel. But otherwise, I feel just like poor Hutch.


Amy said...

I have a dumb question. What is so different about Isreali Nesquik? What makes it better than USA Nesquik?

Agatestone said...

Good question, Amy. There's no powdered milk in it, like in American Nestle's Quik. It's just cocoa and sugar. I can mix it with water (gross, but it works). It doesn't give me a tummy ache like USA Nestle's Quik.

It's only imported, as far as I can tell, during Passover. I purchased 6 tubs this Passover and am all done with them.

I contacted Nestle's in Israel to see if I could order it and they say that they don't export. It's stores here who are taking it upon themselves to import it.

I always feel weird when I go to the store during around Passover and get to the checkout line lugging 6 or more tubs of Nestle's Quik. The cashier must think I'm a tad weird.

So, unless I can persuade one of you to go to Tel Aviv and go grocery shopping for me, I'm Nestle's Quikless until the spring. I hope I can hang on long enough.

Willow said...

I could come and feed you candy bars in a cheap hotel if it makes you feel any better.

Funny, I don't remember that Starsky and Hutch ep. I used to watch it all the time, and the only ones that I remember are one in which Hutch was run off the road by the bad guys and stuck under his car, and another one in which Hutch caught some sort of weird virus that had him quarantined in a hospital. I don't remember any horrid things happening to Starksy. Maybe Hutch should have considered a different line of work.

But anyway, did you save any of the tubs of Israeli Nesquik? If it is basically cocoa and sugar, you may be able to duplicate the recipe. It might be something that you can try to take your mind of the "real thing" until next Passover.

Agatestone said...


Hutch on Heroin and candy bars was one of the best episodes! I am sorry you don't remember it. I have downloaded some off of Itunes, but not that one.

Yes, Starsky was in peril as well, as I recall. They got in a shootout and he was shot in the chest, on the last show of the one of the season. As I recall, it had something to do with contract negotiations. They could leave him hanging in peril all summer, and then kill him off if the contract negotiations didn't go well.

And, then there was the time Starsky was chased through the streets by a guy with one arm who kept quoting MacBeth "The world is a stage and we are merely players." He kept saying that over and over as he was chasing Starsky and hitting him over the head with his hook.

Oh, you didn't mention the best "Hutch in Peril" episode, where he was being stalked by Karen Valentine! Starsky saved him of course.

Agatestone said...

Oh, and the ingredients just say cocoa and sugar. Not the quanties, varieties, etc. It's not as water soluble as American NQ, but it eventually dissolves. I'll have to do some googling.