08 May, 2008

Happy Thursday

Yes, I am happy today. I took a surprise vacation day. It was lovely not to be at work. Yes, there was one drawback of being home. The annoying accident that befell me due slipping on a patch of mayonaise. Yes, only I would drop some mayonaise on the floor and slip in it. Yes, I'm fine. Yes, my elbow which I fell onto is fine. Sore but fine. Even though I have an aching elbow (yes, BC, it's the one I already broke once), I still am happier than being at work. I have spent the day working on photos. Reading (not scanning as usual) the newspaper, and just breathing. But, I guess my question to you Willow is if I know my arm isn't broke, as I can put weight on it and move it, and it just hurts, is there any reason for an x-ray?


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