30 May, 2008


I was looking at some old text messages of mine. I found one that I sent to myself. Obviously a reminder of some kind. Of what, I don't recall. There were three words in this message: Zombies eat cake.

What the heck does that mean? Why would I send myself a text message saying: Zombies eat cake? It makes no sense. Do zombies eat cake? Aren't they the undead? Wouldn't the cake just fall out of their rotted heads?


08 May, 2008

Happy Thursday

Yes, I am happy today. I took a surprise vacation day. It was lovely not to be at work. Yes, there was one drawback of being home. The annoying accident that befell me due slipping on a patch of mayonaise. Yes, only I would drop some mayonaise on the floor and slip in it. Yes, I'm fine. Yes, my elbow which I fell onto is fine. Sore but fine. Even though I have an aching elbow (yes, BC, it's the one I already broke once), I still am happier than being at work. I have spent the day working on photos. Reading (not scanning as usual) the newspaper, and just breathing. But, I guess my question to you Willow is if I know my arm isn't broke, as I can put weight on it and move it, and it just hurts, is there any reason for an x-ray?


02 May, 2008