17 July, 2007

Hip hop music.

So, I was asleep. Sound asleep. Suddenly, a weird sound woke me up. It sounded like hip hop music and I was scared. Where was it coming from? Then, it happened again. I realized that the hip hop sound was coming from my stomach. I had gone to bed hungry and my stomach was growling. And the growling sounded like hip hop music.

I'm tired. I'm hungry. I don't want to get up to eat. I don't want to negate the effects of my evening's workout.

I supposed I could get a bowl of cereal. But, it's 1:46 am and I just don't feel like eating. Maybe I'll just try sleeping again.


Susan said...

Umm hon.... you were awake enough to blog, but didn't want to get some food?

Anonymous said...

I don't have to get up to blog. I blog from the comfort of my bed. I didn't want to get up, find something to eat, eat, brush my teeth, etc. Too much commotion at 1:46 am. However, I did end up getting up and eating a piece of bread.